The goji berry as one of the hottest superfoods

You might have heard of goji berries and their health benefits. Their history as a medicinal plant has roots in ancient Chinese culture; it is now being viewed as one of the hottest superfoods available today. The goji berry is grown across China, but it’s Ningxia’s unique geology that has created the most revered version of the fruit. It’s the combination of cool mountain breezes, mineral-rich soil and vines irrigated by the famed Yellow River that make the goji berries from the Ningxia region so prized.

China’s love of the goji berry dates back hundreds of years, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners have long believed that it has medicinal powers. This small, oval-shaped berry has been called the “red diamond”, also known as wolfberries, these festive red berries have a sweet, slightly sour taste. They often come in dried form, like raisins. The Chinese view the goji berry as a both a fruit and a herb, and the berry that’s packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, amino acids and trace minerals, It is prescribed by TCM doctors to boost liver and kidney function and treat eye issues.

Goji berry health benefits:

  • Boosted immune system and flu protection

  • Potential weight loss aid

  • Antioxidants for eyes and skin

  • Maintain blood sugar

  • Increased testosterone

People who drank goji berry juice reported an increase in:

  • Energy

  • Athletic performance

  • Quality of sleep

  • Ability to focus

  • Calmness overall well-being

Some health claims also state that goji berries can:

  • Increase life expectancy

  • Lower heart risks

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Reduce arthritis pain

Goji berries are generally considered safe for most people but also can have a common side effect for someone. Always ask your doctor before using goji berries as a remedy.